Export Mapping
PinvoiceR provides a standard method to Export Pay Journals or Export Invoices. In both cases the format of the output fixed. If a different format output is required then you can set up and use a custom export map.
How to Use
Define the new custom output
In System -> Export Tools use New - CSV Export Mapping to create a custom definition (field map) of the fields to be output.
Navigate to System -> Export Tools and select New - CSV Export Mapping. Here select the name of an existing map to overwrite and click Edit Field Mapping.
- If the Export format is to be MYOB then make sure that Blank Header Rows = 1.
- Select the fields to include and the order they will appear left-to-right in the CSV. Make sure that the order is consecutive, i.e. leave no gaps.
- The Description column lists internal database table names - these cannot be changed.
- The Destination Field Name is what you want the column headers to be in the output CSV.
- Field Size can be shrunk (it will truncate if necessary) but cannot be expanded.
- You can select different formats for the output of date fields.
- If the content of a field is to be text then set the Field Delimiter to "Double Quotes" to cope with spaces.
Use the new custom field map
Select System -> Export Tools -> New - Export Invoice Summary