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* If you want to charge and not pay then select the "DO NOT PAY EMPLOYEE" from the drop down option selection.
* If you want to charge and not pay then select the "DO NOT PAY EMPLOYEE" from the drop down option selection.
* You can enter in negative hours - this will have the effect of deducting pay in a pay that the total (inclusive of the negative amount) is greater than zero and will also appear as a credit on the invoice.
* You can enter in negative hours - this will have the effect of deducting pay in a pay that the total (inclusive of the negative amount) is greater than zero and will also appear as a credit on the invoice.
==Related Pages==
* [[Orders]]
* [[Employee Deductions]]

Revision as of 07:35, 6 January 2018


It is important to note that there are a number of methods used to pay employees and these will depend on how your integration with your front end system (RecruitOnline, RDB, Bond Adapt, Bullhorn, JobScience etc) is configured. In many cases, hours will be captured via an online portal for electronic timesheets or entered manually and will flow from the front end system into PinvoiceR.

Hours imported from a Front End System

To process hours that have already been entered and exported from your front end system click on Pay Employee - the hours waiting to be processed are shown;

Import hours.jpg

Select the hours that you wish to process (note there is a select all option and you can also sort by heading should you only wish to process a certain range of hours only) and click the Process Hours button.

The next stage is to go to Payroll > Open Batches & click on the batch you wish to review/process.

Entering Hours directly in PinvoiceR

It is also possible to enter hours directly into PinvoiceR and this can be done either from Orders (previously created) or by manually selecting and employee, pay code and client.

To enter hours from an order - click on Payroll > Orders

To enter hours - click on the name of the person that you wish to enter hours for,

Enter hours.jpg

Then select the week ending date for the hours that you are entering (note - it will default to the current week ending date for the week you are processing). Click the Next button.

Week ending.jpg

Then enter the relevant hours for each of the days/week for each of the pay code items and then select the transaction type (NORMAL etc) and click the Save Period button.

Enter hours 2.jpg

Things to note

  • If you want to both pay and charge for the hours that you are entering then select "NORMAL" in the drop down option selection.
  • If you want to pay and not charge then select "DO NOT CHARGE CLIENT" from the drop down option selection.
  • If you want to charge and not pay then select the "DO NOT PAY EMPLOYEE" from the drop down option selection.
  • You can enter in negative hours - this will have the effect of deducting pay in a pay that the total (inclusive of the negative amount) is greater than zero and will also appear as a credit on the invoice.

Related Pages