Support Timeframes & Priority

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Customers are asked to verify (via their licence agreement) their agreed quota of support hours and service level agreement type.

The agreed number of support hours as included in your licence fee is allocated in 15 minutes intervals will be provided lodged via the ticket system. Additional hours are charged per contract rates (charged in 15 minutes intervals). After hours, weekends and public holidays have a 100% loading. This does not include software development or modifications.

Customers who trade outside their agreed terms will incur a lower support priority. In the case of significant breaches of payment terms support may be withheld.

Support Priority: PinvoiceR has an established process for responding to customer support issues and requests for assistance. PinvoiceR will respond to support requests on the in the following order:

1. System wide connectivity, provisioning, hardware and network events & outages (Category A)

2. Isolated customer connectivity, provisioning, hardware and network events & outages (Category A)

3. Customers with an Enterprise Support Service Level Agreement

  • Issues that interrupt established work flow in core software features
  • Issues that interrupt established work flow in custom software features
  • User assistance, coaching, advice and help desk tasks

4. Customers with a Priority Support Service Level Agreement

  • Issues that interrupt established work flow in core software features
  • Issues that interrupt established work flow in custom software features
  • User assistance, coaching, advice and help desk tasks

5. Customers with a Standard Support Service Level Agreement

  • Issues that interrupt established work flow in core software features
  • Issues that interrupt established work flow in custom software features
  • User assistance, coaching, advice and help desk tasks

Definition of Incident Categories:

Category A Incident PinvoiceR Software System is unavailable and cannot be accessed or used. Resolution Time (Response + Fix time) from the time the support department is notified -

Up to 270 minutes

Category B Incident PinvoiceR Software System as a whole can be accessed but one or more of the services cannot be accessed and users cannot carry out their planned work. Resolution Time(Response + Fix time) from the time the support department is notified -

Up to 2 days

Category C Incident An incident that is inconvenient for the user, but where there is a workaround that does not disrupt the planned workload. Resolution Time(Response + Fix time) from the time the support department is notified -

Up to 5 days

Category D Incident An incident which has a minor impact on the PinvoiceR Software System which can be endured without interruption to the planned workload. Resolution Time(Response + Fix time) from the time the support department,is notified -

Up to 12 days

If the Support department determines that the incident logged cannot be reproduced in a standard environment, you will be contacted by PinvoiceR

      • Please note PinvoiceR does not support tickets that are deemed to be user error related - i.e. data entry or processing errors ***

A & B Incidents Category A & B incidents are deemed as “Critical”. Critical incidents are considered to be incidents that are business critical (i.e. the software or system does not operate correctly or where a serious error prevents the ongoing use of the software or system and there is no workaround).

All business critical incidents will be escalated to the highest priority at PinvoiceR and we will work with you until the issue is resolved or there is a suitable work-around.

C & D Incidents All C & D incidents must be reported online via the ticket system, in order to provide contact points for follow up and resolution.

Other Incidents that involve specific corporate data may involve a charge to resolve. PinvoiceR will notify you prior to commencing any work and provide a quote if services are required.

Incidents that involve third party application integration, data services, data migration or hardware issues may incur a charge to resolve. PinvoiceR will notify you prior to commencing any work and provide a quote if services are required.