Add an Employee

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In most cases your Employee Records are initially captured in your front end Recruitment/HRIS system and exported to PinvoiceR on an as needs basis.

Example Candidate Record in front end Recruitment/HRIS system (RecruitOnline)


Required information prior to an export to PinvoiceR includes Banking Details, Tax File Number, and Superannuation details.

Where required, these details can be captured online through a PinvoiceR On-Boarding an Employee Portal and remove the need to store hard copy TFN declarations and employee contract documents as these can be stored against the employee's record in PinvoiceR

Editing An Employee Record

Once an employee record has been exported to PinvoiceR from the front end Recruitment/CRM system it is possible to add additional information to the record by clicking on the Edit Employee button.

Edit emp.jpg

For example, you can use the Deductions tab to manage any Employee Deductions or Additions required for the employee.


You can also add an employee manually - Employees > Add Employee

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