Bulk Deactivate Employees

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Run a report to show active employees who haven't worked in "X" number of weeks. From the results, bulk select and deactivate the employees selected - sets each employee's finish date to the date bulk deactivated.

How to use

From the main menu, click on the Reports and Payroll links. Then select the Bulk Deactivate Employees link.

From here - set the number of weeks since some one has been paid - ie to show people that have not been paid for 4 weeks (or greater) enter the number 4 into the set weeks box and click the Go button.

Bulk deactivate employees.png

From here , select the employees that you want to deactivate and scroll down and click the Deactivate button.

You will then get a warning "This will deactivate the selected employees and update their finish date to today's date - are you sure you want to deactivate these employees?" - click OK to proceed or Cancel.

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