Employees & Entities

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This article discusses the issues around Employees & Entities and what is required in the instance that a single person works for more than one Entity in a PinvoiceR system.

For example, there may be instances where clients have one "front end" system (eg RecruitOnline) and have single records for candidates/employees in that system but there are instances where that candidate will work for multiple Entities in PinvoiceR.

In the case that this occurs, in PinvoiceR it is essential that there are separate employee records for each of the employees working for each of the separate entities - ie you may have one record in the front end system but you will need multiple records, for the same person, in PinvoiceR. This is due to the need to produce specific employee/employer records for each entity.

The need to have multiple employee records for the same person in PinvoiceR (ie where they work for more than one entity) will mean that the process of linking a single record in your front end system to a single record in PinvoiceR (ie where there are multiple records in PinvoiceR for the same person) may be complicated and a manual process. This will depend on how the integration between PinvoiceR and your front end system is configured.