Employee Bank Accounts

From PinvoiceR
Revision as of 06:01, 20 February 2018 by Pinvoicer (talk | contribs)
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PinvoiceR is able to pay into four different bank account for an employee and their net pay can be split into these multiple accounts on either a fixed amount and a percentage basis.

Adding multiple bank accounts can be done from either within PinvoiceR by a payroll user or done through an online employee portal (where configured to do so).

To add additional bank accounts, or to edit an existing bank account click on the Edit Employee button in the employee's record. Then scroll down to the Bank Details section. Here you;

  • Click on the Green "+" to add another bank line
  • Click on the Red "-" to remove a bank line
  • Enter the Split Percentage if using this method - eg pay 80% into Bank Acc #1 and 20% into Bank Acc #2
  • Or enter the Threshold Amount if using this method eg pay $200 in to Bank Acc #1 and the balance into Bank Acc #2

Bank accounts.jpg

How to use

The way that the processing works in PinvoiceR is that where there are multiple bank accounts it will split a net pay across those accounts on the basis of a rule for each account and then putting any balance (ie amount left over after applying the rules) back into the primary (first account).

Because of this, it is necessary to have a threshold or a percentage set for a Primary account in instances that you are adding multiple accounts. EG in the example that some one would like to have a fixed amount of $100 paid into a secondary account you would need to do the following;

  • Add a secondary account and put the amount of $100 in the threshold field
  • Edit the primary account to put an amount - eg $1.00 in the threshold fields

Note:- the code will need an threshold amount in the primary account to work.

In the above example the way that the code will work is - example: $500 net pay. On the first pass it allocates $1.00 to the primary account, then $100 to the secondary account and then the balance into the primary account - ie $399.00

From a bank transfer perspective - you will have two transfers, $400 into primary account and $100 into secondary account.

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