Open Batches

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Open Batches are a list of transactions that have been entered for a period. Batches are grouped into Divisions and then by week ending.

Employees who have open transactions in more multiple Divisions are also shown identified in the open batches screen.

The purpose of the Open Batches screen is to provide an opportunity for open transactions to be reviewed prior to them being written to the General Ledger, pays and invoices processed.

Pre Payment Processing Reports

From the main menu click on Payroll and then select the Open Batches links.

This will list all of the Open Batches that need to be written to the General Ledger. Prior to finalising a batch it is prudent to run the relevant pre payment processing reports to satisfy yourself that the hours, pay and charge information has been entered correctly.

To run a report - select the report that you want to run and click the All Divisions (x employees) button.

You can also choose to run a report for one or more divisions - by default all are selected.

PinvoiceR - Open Batches.png

When you click the button the relevant report is run.

Pay Report

The pay report produces a summary of each person that is included in the open batch, their gross pay, total costs, total charge, total margin and margin %. If you click on the "+" sign against a person's row then more detailed information is shown for that person. (You can also click the + Open all to view all.)

Other options include:

  • Change the Report Type by selecting from the menu at the top right
  • Click the Pay report csv download button to download
  • Click the Print button to print

PinvoiceR Open Batches Pay Report.png

Below is an example of the report showing the GL (General Ledger) detail;

PinvoiceR Open Batches Pay Report - GL detail.png

Client Charge Report

The Client Charge report shows the transactions in the batch grouped by Division and then Client and then by Employee. It shows the totals of the gross pays and the relevant charge rates for each employee.

PinvoiceR Open Batches Client Charge Report.png

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