Employee Kiwisaver - NZ

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Employees in New Zealand can elect to join Kiwisaver and if they do then a percentage of their pay is deducted each pay and paid to the IRD for their Kiwisaver account.

How to use

The information about an employee and their choice about Kiwisaver is usually captured in an onboarding process and this information is imported into PinvoiceR when the employee record is created.

To edit an employee's Kiwisave settings - find the employee in PinvoiceR and click on the Edit Deduction button next to their Kiwisaver information.

Employee Kiwisaver.png

Here you can set the employee's selected contribution rate, if they are on a contributions holiday, a date when they decide to opt out or if they are exempt from employer contributions as over 65 years old.

Kiwisaver Employee Settings.png

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