Entity Editor

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In PinvoiceR it is possible to have multiple Entities (ie companies/entities) in the one PinvoiceR system. The Entity Editor is used to set up the configuration values for each entity/company in your PinvoiceR system.

How to use

From the main menu, click on the System and then Set Up links. Then select the Entity Editor link.

Example Entity Config/Setup - New Zealand
Item Explanation
Entity Name: eg Demo Recruitment Ltd
Header: Invoice header information
Footer: Invoice footer information
Header Image: Provide copy of logo - needs to be 600dpi and max 300 wide by 100 high
Payslip Footer: The text you want displayed on the payslip footer
Employer Ird Number: Your company IRD #
Payroll Contact Person: Contact name for payroll
Payroll Contact Number: Contact number for payroll
Payroll Email: Contact email for payroll
Bank File Account Number: Company/Entity Bank details for bank file
Bank File Subscriber Name: Bank File Subscriber Name:
From Name: Name used for emails sent for invoices - eg Accounts
From Email: Email address used for invoices
From Subject: Email subject line used for invoices
From Text: Email message used for invoices
Rate Annual Leave: Accrual rate used for annual leave - eg 8% = 0.08
Rate Acc: ACC rate used for calculating ACC costs - eg 1.36% = 0.0136
Payslip Header: Text on the top of the payslip - ie company details
Payslip From Name: Name used for emails sent for payslips - eg Payroll
Payslip From Email: Email address used for payslips
Payslip Subject: Email subject line used for payslips
Payslip Text: Email message used for payslips
Invoice Format: Invoice Format:

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