Transactions Report

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The Transactions Report is used to run generic reports in the system which can be configured for many different uses.

How to Use

From the main menu, click on the Reports and Payroll links and then select the Transactions Report option.

You can report by Week Ending, Date Worked or Period number - the columns visible on the report are set by clicking on the Column Visibility button and selecting the relevant options.

You can filter the report by selecting the filter options at the bottom of the report.

Transactions Report.png

Example of Long Service Leave Reporting for Construction Industry

In this scenario, there is a need to report portable Long Service Leave entitlements to an Construction Industry Board. The report may need to show how many days (or normal time hours) someone has worked from the beginning of a month to the end of the month (or a longer period).

So planning to being able to report on this data would need to start from when you first set up the paycode and pay code items.

In both a pay code and a pay code item there is a field for "Cost Code". Given that it is likely that you will need to report at the pay code item level - eg normal hours (and not any overtime hours) you would add in a cost code at the pay code item level - eg use the text LSL.

Additionally, given that you may need to report from the beginning of a month to the end of the month - you would need to ensure that hours entered for people that you want to report on are entered daily and not weekly.

So by do the 2 above things you would then be able use the Transactions Report to run a report at the end of a period to show all people paid using the Cost Code "LSL". Then you'd download this and use it as the basis of your report to the Construction Industry board.

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